Design is directly related to user experience. Have you ever got curious of the fact that why some users spend so much time on your website as compared to other websites? Why navigation is effortless on some sites as compared to others? Or is there a relationship between these key elements? These questions are some of the examples to explain the importance of consistency in website design. This is the new field of discussion developing in context with Human Computer Interaction (HCI) to address the importance of User Experience (UX).
Humans are visually dependent to gain access and understand the information of anything. So while designing anything, the most important thing is to make it according to user perception. User can be any individual from any field working in an organization on specific tasks to achieve their set of goals.
While designing your web layouts visual consistency is the most important factor to achieve an excellent user experience. Consistency in your web design will decide the number of users on your website. Consistency includes navigating from page to another page, design integrity and what you are communicating to the users. Your web design must not be that overwhelming, that it reduces the user effectiveness. It is necessary to make design simple and clean to clearly communicate the actual perspective to user. Hence maintaining a consistency in your web design is very crucial. To build a relationship in your design and to make your website user effective. Below are some of the guidelines which should be kept in mind to achieve consistency in your design.
- Color: Selecting a particular color scheme helps in building a consistency in your website design because color has a considerably large impact on people perception on design or art work. To decide the color for any website, you should focus on your target audience relation to those colors. Color helps a lot in efficiently delivering the message of website.
- Tagline: Make a tagline of every project to give your business a professional look. For example: suppose your tagline is “the best event management company ever!”, it sounds like so self parsing, however, if you modify your tagline as “ Event management the best ever” or something similar then it’ll look good and unique.
- Media: The type of images, background and videos you use in your website is very important. Avoid using images which can potentially harm any particular community or feelings of individuals.
- Fonts: Now most of the websites are using very sleek and smooth font styles. No matter what type of fonts you use, keep in mind that it sticks with overall image of the project.
Lastly, keep in mind that people like what seems to be good and they perceive everything from their sight. So, make and maintain your designs consistent so that they meet your user’s expectations.