Software is a general term for the various kinds of programs used to operate computers and related devices. In an information technology product, an enhancement is a noteworthy improvement to the product as part of a new version of it. The term is also used to distinguish an enhancement of some existing product capability from a totally new capability.
Enhancement is also defined as ‘Any improvement made to a software package or hardware device.’ Sometimes enhancements are really bug fixer in disguise. Software Enhancement Services now days has become very popular in market. One of the big advantages of using Custom software product development is our ability to extend the software company’s own development and field services teams to meet specific customer requirements. Typically, software companies are stretched with development commitments and welcome the opportunity to flex with competent outside resources.
To satisfy ever-changing market needs and to be successful in the market, a software company has to constantly evolve its products by:-
- Quickly identifying new functionalities that satisfy the needs of customers and incorporating them into existing products.
- Integrating an existing product with other software platforms, using new generation integration concepts like EDI, XML, etc.
- Adapting existing products to web services